Engineering and Project Management

​Design Engineering 
At the heart of our operations lies our ability to utilize state-of-the-art design software. PC Laborsystem GmbH relies on the Solidworks 3D-CAD drawing program, a globally recognized design software, to conceive and develop innovative products. This robust platform enables our engineering team to bring your ideas to life and ensure that our customers benefit from the latest advances in design technology. 

Project Management 
At PC Laborsystem GmbH, we understand the challenges companies face when it comes to successfully planning, coordinating and implementing complex projects. It is our duty to help companies achieve their goals and manage their projects efficiently. We place great emphasis on customized solutions that meet the individual requirements of our clients. We work closely with our clients to understand their objectives and develop solutions that meet their needs. Our aim is to give our clients a competitive edge by helping them to complete their projects on time, within budget and with the highest quality. 

Stock management
To create a solid foundation for our operations, PC Laborsystem GmbH uses Selectline's ERP system. Thanks to this business software, it enables us to implement a seamless warehouse management system and ensure that we have a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of our resources. With a focus on just-in-time delivery services, we strive to efficiently optimize service delivery and mechanical engineering and provide our customers with effective and timely solutions.